Adult Continuing Education

Take The Next Step
If you are thinking about returning to college to complete your undergraduate degree or earn your master's degree, consider the benefits that an advanced degree can offer:
Career Advancement and Job Security
At many companies, management positions are reserved for those with advanced degrees. An undergraduate or graduate degree can open the doors to career advancement or a new career.
Networking Opportunities
Going back to school will give you a chance to make new connections in your field or in a new industry into which you are aiming to transition. And, if you choose to take courses online, networking is further empowered through online connections and social networking.
She was raising her children and driving a school bus
Then Gina Walpole chose to come back to school at Mercy University. If you're thinking about a new chapter in life, you have to hear her story! See why Mercy is the perfect place to Take The Next Step.

Salary Increase
According to the latest earnings report prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau, a person with only a high school diploma earns $621 per week, about $30,000 per year. A person with a bachelor's degree, however, earns an average of $57,000 per year and $74,000 with a master's degree.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Financial Aid is available for Freshmen and for Transfer and Graduate Students.