Arthur P Sullivan

  • Senior Instructor, Sociology
Arthur Sullivan

I am Professor Arthur Sullivan. I have been an adjunct professor here at Mercy University for over 15 years, overall I have been teaching 25+ years. I have experience in teaching at the elementary and high school levels, as well as at several other colleges and universities in the New York Metropolitan area. My degrees are in Experimental Psychology emphasizing neurological and cognitive functioning. I have also worked as a program director at a school for health sciences on Long Island.

I have experience in the clinical area of psychology as well. I have served in the roles of therapist or counselor in outpatient substance abuse treatment centers, homeless shelters, and assisted living facilities as well as help develop a supported employment program for individuals with intellectual and spectrum disorders. I was also the Assistant Director of an inpatient psychiatric hospital.

PSYN 320 - Psychobiology

PSYN 372 - Experimental Psychology 1: Methodology

PSYN 374 - Experimental Psychology 2: Applications