Boria Sax

  • Senior Lecturer, English
Boria Sax

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Boria Sax is the author of a score of books, most recently Enchanted Forests: The Poetic Creation of a World before Time. His writing has won awards for scholarship and been translated into ten languages, into most of these multiple times. He has also won multiple awards for teaching including one from the organization Hudson Link in 2013 for “Lifetime Achievement” in prison education. He currently teaches at Sing Sing prison and in the online graduate English program of Mercy University.  

M.A. and Ph.D from the State University of New York at Buffalo

Boria Sax is currently finishing a book tentatively entitled The Man Who Dreamed He Was a Butterfly: Metamorphoses, Entomological and Human, scheduled to be published by Reaktion Books in London, England in Spring 2026. He is also co-editing a volume on The Cultural History of Birds in the Modern Era for Bloomsbury Publishers, as well as writing a chapter on "Birds in Myth, Religion, and Philosophy." It is scheduled for publication in June 2026.

Boria Sax has taught a very wide range of courses in the graduate English Program at Mercy University, some of which are as follows:


  • Literary Theory;
  • Creative Writing;
  • Modernism;
  • Fairy Tales:
  • Transformation of the Epic:
  • Confronting a Distressing Past;
  • Reason and Imagination;
  • Animals in Literature;
  • The Masters Thesis.

On an undergraduate level, he has also taught a wide range of courses in traditional classrooms including Creative Writing- Poetry, The Short Story, European History, Classics in the Social Sciences, and Junior Seminar.

  • Had two scholarly books, Animals in the Third Reich (first published 2000) and The Mythical Zoo (first published 2014), named as "outstanding academic titles" of their year of publication by the journal Choice.
  • Had a scholarly book, City of Ravens, named by Barnes & Noble as one of the "top five books on London" and named as a "notable book of 2012" by Audubon magazine.
  • Won the Eisenstein-DeLacy award for "best scholarly article" from the National Congress of Independent Scholars (NCIS) twice, in 2010 and 2019.
  • Received “Lifetime Achievement Award” for teaching at Taconic and Sing Sing Prisons from Hudson Link in 2013.
  • Won the Humane Society of the United States award for the “best new course” of 2007.
  • Won a Sloan-C (now, Online Learning Consortium) Award for “Online Learning Effectiveness” in 2002.