Denise Gabriele-Poulin
- Associate Director, SSSC
- Senior Instructor, Sociology

- School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- (914) 455-2697
I have been teaching at Mercy since September 1990 through today. My current role at Mercy is Associate Director of the Student Servies Support Center under Admissions and Enrollment Management. I am also an adjunct professor.
Previously, I have been the Assistant Director of the WP Campus, Director of Student Activities & Residential Life and the Associate Dean for Residential Life .
I am a proud alumnus of Mercy University and a supporter of students. I like to focus on contemporary classes so that students can use the knowledge in their personal and professional lives.
Master of Arts, Pedagogy - Mercy College, 2006
Master of Arts, Psychology, With Distinction - Long Island University,1988
Bachelor of Science, Psychology; Minor: Sociology & Music, Summa Cum Laude - Mercy University, 1985
PSYN 340 – Psychology of Crisis
PSYN/SOCL 237 – Human Sexual Behavior
PSYN/SOCL 238 – Gender Role Dynamics
I have been honored with numerous awards and recognition for my work with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life; and leadership of the Yorktown Lions.