Frederick L Shiels

  • Professor Emeritus, Legal Studies and Political Science
Frederick Shiels

Frederick Shiels is an Professor Emeritus of Political Science and History since 2012. He started at Mercy in 1978 as an Assistant Professor and held various roles, including Model UN Director from 1986-2011.

Ph.D., Cornell University 1977 (Government)
Dissertation: "The American Experience in Okinawa: A Case Study for Foreign Policy and Decision-Making Theory"

M.A., The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies 1973 (International Studies)

B.A., Vanderbilt University 1971 (Political Science)

Study of Civilian Casualties in U.S. military interventions funded in part by Charles Olson Grant 

IRDP/POLS 370 - International Relations

“Whose Dead?: The Killing of Iraqis and Afghanis to Save American Lives”, 2004-2006 research and submission of article this year for possible publication in The American Prospect, a progressive-mainstream magazine

“Why We Bomb: Strategic and Legal Questions about Civilian Deaths in American Wars”, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, November 1, 2006

Charles F. Olson Grant for Historical Research, 2002 

Faculty Development Grants at Mercy College, 1984-2004