Janice Lenzer
- Senior Lecturer, Psychology

- School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- jlenzer@mercy.edu
Hello, my name is Janice R Lenzer and I have taught at Mercy University for 10 years; but am an adjunct professor for 17 years with CUNY.
Mercy college, and then University, has been a wonderful place to work with students. My role at Mercy is as an adjunct professor for the psychology and behavioral sciences departments (sometimes sociology). One fun aspect of my time at Mercy College included tutoring in the library between classes for many master’s students as well as undergraduate students for statistics or experimental design. I enjoyed those days in the library tutoring students, whether with my own or students in general. We got to share time outside of class and focus on more specific aspects of the materials they were learning. In some cases, I got to assist in the development of some in graduate level who needed to brainstorm about the statistical aspects of their design and research. My time with Mercy has allowed me to work at both Bronx and Dobbs Ferry campuses. Each campus is so different, but interesting and with such inquisitive and diverse students. This has made my years with Mercy both exciting and different each semester.
More recently, there are some new interactive projects in my classroom such as Gallery Walks where students work in groups to come up with research questions and propose an experiment on a giant Post it paper around the classroom. Then they all walk the Gallery and make 3 constructive critiques (prompts are given), on all the other group’s experimental research ideas. It is a fun day that turns into a second day of going through and practicing the materials by thinking about their designs and control techniques and predicting both potential and expected outcomes of the experiment. Another new exercise is in my Advanced Experimental Social Personality course, which is Mindful Adult Coloring. I am collecting data in the classroom on Mindfulness/Attention and Focus using the FFMQ-SF short form questionnaire that measures mindfulness with regards to thoughts, experiences, and actions in daily life (Baer, Carmody, & Hunsinger, 2012). Often, I teach experimental design and advanced experimental design courses as well as Neurobiology and Psychobiology to undergraduate students. I also teach personality and health psychology as well as Introduction to clinical and psychopathology courses. But most often, I am in second and third levels experimental writing intensive courses. I truly enjoy my time with my students at all the colleges I work for!
For fun, as a former Jazz/Tap dancer, I teach Bungee fitness and Step classes. I take Pound class and or Trampoline classes as well to balance out my week. I personally feel Bungee fitness wakes up the brain in a different way than other forms of exercise. It may be closer to dancing, as it is exercise but flying as well. It often feels like Peter Pan or Superman while you take “flyte” in the bungee cord harness. This is new to the brain and body, which are not used to being pulled backward or forward with the rubber band feel of the bungee cords and while doing a workout.
Doctorate in Psychology with focus in Neuroscience and Neuropsychology - The Graduate Center, CUNY
Graduate research: role of VEGF treatment and attenuation of long-term seizure-associated alterations in astrocyte morphology