Jennifer D Roos
- Associate Professor, Design and Animation

- School of Liberal Arts
- VIC 209A
- (914) 674-7367
With a passion for waterfront landscape architecture (A.B. Arch., Princeton), graphic design (MFA, Yale) and a youth spent in the financial capital of the world, Jen provides brand strategy and creative direction that elevates investment in community and the environment. Her award-winning agency, 8 Point Studio, provides high-level branding for impact investors, forward-thinking financial organizations and non-profits striving to help people and the planet thrive.
At Mercy, Jen teaches in the Design + Animation program with a focus on Foundational Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Professional Practice and Motion. Jen also piloted and runs Connect 4, a diversity in design mentoring initiative supporting Mercy's students and connecting them to design leaders of color.
Previously Design Director at Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Jen's work has been recognized by the Federal Design Achievement awards, the ACD 100, AIGA, the Type Director’s Club, the North American Transform Awards, and is in the Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum's collection.
A.B. Arch., Princeton University
MFA, Yale University
Experimental dimensional typography in support of biodiversity promoting community support for diversity and the environment.
The World’s Best Typography, Typography 44, Type Directors Club