Graduation Year: 2019
School: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Major: Psychology
Dominique Robertson ’19 wasn’t too sure about college when she first began attending classes at a local community college in 2009.
“I went to college because I thought that’s what you did after high school, and it started out well, but I lost interest and didn’t take my classes or grades seriously and I withdrew,” said Robertson.
After withdrawing, Robertson took some time off and began working. While living on her own and working two jobs she came to realization that if she wanted to achieve her goals and be successful, she’d have to return to school. With that in mind, Robertson packed up her life in Texas and moved back home to New York after 12 years away.
Robertson wasn’t just looking for a new college to attend, she wanted a place where she could grow and thrive. Pushing herself to new levels and seeing just what the human mind is capable of is what drew her into psychology.
“I’ve always been intrigued by the brain and how it works in terms of behavior,” said Robertson. “Why do people do the things they do? I’m a really understanding person and finding the cause of those behaviors, especially with children, is fascinating to me.”
That fascination and dedication to excelling in her studies is part of why Robertson’s return to college was so rewarding.
“My first semester at Mercy I made the Dean’s list. This was the second chance that I needed. My main goal is to continue to challenge myself. I no longer want to just be comfortable with my academics. I want to be able to look back on my college years and say I may have started out on a rocky road, but I turned that around and graduated with Honors,” said Robertson.
Currently, Robertson is in her fifth semester at Mercy and in addition working for Apple, is a student ambassador at the Bronx Campus. As a student ambassador, Robertson has had the opportunity to speak at open house and share her story with other students.
“I want others to know that the goals and dreams you have for your life may cause you to have to make some tough decisions, like moving 1,000 miles away from family and friends, but there’s such a reward when you start to see the fruits of your labor. It’s not about how you start the race, all that matters is that you finish,” said Robertson.