Preparing for the NYSTCE
New York State requires that teacher candidates pass a number of certification exams to become New York State certified teachers. These tests include:
- Educating All Students (EAS)
- Content Specialty Tests (CST) - You must pass the CST for every discipline in which you are seeking certification
- edTPA (Education Teacher Performance Assessment)
Below are links to the New York State Teacher Certification Examination (NYSTCE) Websites. Many of these sites contain useful information, such as exam preparation guides and sample questions, which can help you prepare for success on the exams.
NOTE: In addition to taking the NYS Teacher Certification Examinations, NYS requires candidates to complete workshops on Child Abuse Prevention, Violence Prevention and the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). Mercy College offers preparation workshops for many of the certification exams. Please check the School of Education Deans' office for dates and times when these workshops will be offered.
- Educating All Students (EAS) Preparation Materials
- Contains information about the EAS exam and links to sample questions
- NYS Teacher Certification Exam Preparation Guides
- Links to preparation materials for the NYS Teacher Certification Exams
- NYS Teacher Certification Examination: Home Page
- Official NY State website for the Teacher Certification Examinations
"The New York State educator has the professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary to teach all students effectively in New York State public schools. The teacher is familiar with and knows how to use research-validated instructional strategies that are responsive to the characteristics and learning needs of students with a broad range of backgrounds and needs. The teacher knows his or her legal, ethical and professional responsibilities in education-related situations involving students, parents/guardians and others in the school community and acts in accordance with these responsibilities. The teacher also understands the importance of parent/guardian involvement in children's education and is able to use skills and strategies to communicate and collaborate effectively with parents/guardians in support of student learning," (New York State Education Department, 2014, p. 201 - 2).
- EAS Presentation - Devin Thornburg
- Presentation by Devin Thronburg, an EAS expert, on strategies and perspectives that will help you succeed on the EAS
- Mercy College EAS Workshop Handout
- Handout distributed during the EAS workshops sponsored by the CAEI
- NYC Special Education Glossary
- NYSED Home Page for Special Education
- NYSED IEP Information
- NYSED IEP Training Materials
- NYSED Office of Bilingual Education & WL
EAS Practice Materials
Materials developed by other Institutions to help candidates succeed on NYSTCE. Materials and links to materials that were developed by our colleagues at other colleges and universities to help support candidate success on the EAS exam.
- Brooklyn College
- Site contains useful links and materials to help you prepare for the EAS
- Empire State College: EAS Video Part I
- Video tutorials on the EAS
- SUNY New Paltz
- Links to videos and information about the EAS and ALST
The Content Specialty Tests are designed to ensure that candidates understand the content knowledge and professional skills to teach in a give discipline. Check the official NYSTCE site to find the content areas assessed in the CST for your certification area.
Math Refresher Tutorials
Many of the CST exams require some basic mathematics. Candidates, who are not pursuing certification in Secondary Mathematics, often needed to refresh their math skills. The information in this section can support your math proficiency.
- Khan Academy: Algebra Basics
- The Khan Academy provides excellent math tutorials. You must register for the Khan Academy, but registration is free. This particular tutorial may help prepare candidates for CST exams that require math (e.g., Early Child Multi-subject Tests)
- Mercy Test Prep
- Go to the site for information and to register for Mercy math test-preparation workshops
Math: NYS Regents Tests
Many candidates find that the math on some of the CSTs is similar to that on the NYS Regents exams. Please compare the math on the sample CST exam questions for your certification area (located on the official NYSTCE site) to the math on the Regents exams and choose practice questions accordingly.
- Mathematics Regents Examinations
- Links to past Mathematics Regents Exams and answer keys
CST Multi-Subject Math Quiz
Test your math skills before you take the CST.
- Multi-Subjects: Teachers of Childhood (Grades 1 - 6)
- This quiz allows you to test your math skills before you take the Math portion of the Childhood Multi-Subject CST. Although this test was designed for the Childhood test, it may also help candidates prepare for the Math portion of the Early Childhood Multi-Subject CST.
MorphoTrust provides fingerprinting for NYS teacher certification:
- MorphoTrust
- Fingerprinting is required for placement in NYC schools and many local districts. If required by district, student must present fingerprint clearance. MorphoTrust can assist you in obtaining your fingerprints.
Mercy College has extensive resources for candidates taking the edTPA. Thus a separate TaskStream site was developed to house all resources.
To access the site click here. To access the page use the password: edTPA2014.
Rise Institute for Literacy (formerly Reading Horizons) is a website that provides, at no cost, an online workshop for teachers to learn and practice phonics skills: https://workshop.riseinstituteforliteracy.org/account/register?classcode....
Chrome is the browser that works best with the module. If you have any questions of issues with the website, please contact Amber Feigleson at RISE, amber.feigleson@riseinstituteforliteracy.org.
Here’s what some Mercy College students have said about the program:
“I strongly recommend [the workshop] to any Education student. It was extremely useful when answering multiple choice questions as well as with written responses in the CST’s.” – Ana Scaramella (Early Childhood, Tri-Cert)
“[This program] was the one thing that helped me pass the CST. It was helpful for the multiple choice questions and the essay. Without [it], I would not have done as well on the written response as I did.” –Lanie Oles (Childhood)
It also helped students pass the CST for Literacy:
“[It] is an amazing online workshop. It has prepared me [to take] the CST exam more than I could have imagined. My school is currently using this to train the teachers in giving the students important instructions in phonics.” –Amy McG.